Georgia 912-289-4937
South Carolina
Springtime is an excellent time to schedule a roof inspection. You usually have no snow on the roof, and the temperatures are warmer, so being on the roof is not precarious. A springtime roof inspection allows you to spot any damages your roof may have sustained during winter.
A timely roof inspection can help detect roof issues before they cause additional damage to your home. Find out why spring is a great time to schedule a roof inspection.
The spring weather is neither too cold nor too hot, so your roofing contractor can take time to inspect the roof. In springtime, your roof will be drier compared to winter, so the conditions are not hazardous for roofers to climb up and have a look. Your roofer can perform a detailed inspection of your roof, inspecting every shingle and gutter for signs of damage.
Unlike winter, spring days are bright, allowing for better visibility. Roofing professionals can spot subtle signs of damage on the shingles, siding, vent, and chimney in the sun. With better visibility, roofers will not miss any areas that need repairs.
The winter season may cause extensive roof damage. But, with ice and snow covering your roof, assessing winter damage can be an uphill task. Ice dams may let water seep through your shingles and flashing, which causes leaks. The accumulation of snow on your roof may also cause rot and water damage.
Some of the damage that occurs during winter needs urgent repairs to keep it from worsening. Therefore, early detection of winter damage may save your roof.
Spring is a time for growth, meaning you will have no leaves shed by trees. Therefore, less debris is on your roof. A roofing professional will have an easier time inspecting for damage on a roof that is not full of fallen leaves. Springtime is also an ideal time to trim any trees that may shed leaves on your roof in the coming months.
If you spot signs of roof damage in springtime, you have some time to plan for repairs before drastic weather changes make it impossible to repair your roof. By repairing your roof during spring, you avoid having to wait to get an appointment with your roofing contractor during summer, which is often a busy season.
Summer is the peak season for home renovation, so roofing contractors may be in high demand. Unlike in the summer, the demand for roofing during springtime is lower. So, your roofing contractor will be available to sort all your roof maintenance needs at your preferred time. Additionally, the dip in demand means roofing services will be more affordable in springtime.
During summer, energy efficiency is vital for reducing cooling costs. However, roof damage may compromise your roof's thermal resistance, letting the summer heat into your home. A roof inspection will help you spot any damages that could compromise energy efficiency, and you can repair them in preparation for the summer.
As mentioned, summer is the peak season for roofing contractors, and you may not get an appointment at your preferred time if you wait till then to do your summer preparations. So schedule timely repairs to avoid energy problems during summer.
Spring is a rainy season, and any existing roof damage from the winter may cause further problems in springtime if undetected. Inspecting your roof during spring allows you to repair damaged areas before they become extensive, saving you costly repairs or a roof replacement.
Schedule a springtime roof inspection to repair your roof before the beginning of the heavy spring rains. Contact us today to know more about our services in Georgia and South Carolina.
502 E Montgomery Cross Rd Savannah, Georgia 31406
South Carolina